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Drift novice in R / C cars, from practice to first draw a circle

photo credit: R32 via photopin (license)

Drift beginners Let's draw a circle

Technique that runs straight and is a regular radio control car is important.
But in the case of drift that run straight so you toward the next to the machine in a straight line running is not important.
I think it quite difficult when you straight Run a drift car in reverse.

The first step of the practice of drift is the practice to draw a circle.

This practice can be if there is even a single empty cans.
First, in the image, such as radius draw a circle of four to five meters, and the direction of rotation, let's allowed to run off the steering in reverse.
Machine throttle amount when it was so that normally circulates without proceeding sideways is evidence that not enough.
Conversely, it is too open the round and round and the throttle if to spin.
Steering while adjusting the throttle amount of rough-hewn to the maximum, also let's practice many times to draw a circle four to five meters.

Around the thing and empty cans, it will be the same line up so as to draw a circle in the compass to be able to drift.
Since I think the relationship between the throttle and the machine attitude you come have Seize up here, let's practice or try increasing or try to reduce the circle to allow only the throttle control.

Clockwise When the left-handed is to be able to freely also let's practice.
Finally, what lap or while changing the radius in the left-handed, let's right-handed in the same way to soon to stop the machine.
Your drift technique Once you get used to as well draw a circle in the drift state should have been considerably progress.
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