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How to Ketsukaki

photo credit: R32 via photopin (license)

Although the days of the beginning had to change the drive ratio by diverting the other car parts, it has in recent years launched a Ketsukaki private parts.

In the case of belt drive by changing the number of teeth of the pulley that has been allocated to the before and after you change the drive ratio.
The tension of the drive belt to change the pulley number of teeth will be or become loose or become tight.
Because you put a burden on the belt and pulley either case, or changing the length of the belt as appropriate, let's adjustment, such as adding a belt tensioner.

In the case of shaft drive it is necessary to change the number of teeth of the small bevel gear or differential gear, it will be in a little trouble.
Backlash (margin), but the adjustment is very Let's challenge since it has been released is Ketsukaki dedicated gear.
Trying to learn the maneuver of Ketsukaki

If you Ketsukaki specification always maneuver because the rear tire so that pushes out it will be severe.
It is as decent as are many people who can not control is to get used to.
Let's reduce the difference between the drive ratio of the front and rear tire when it was just can not successfully control.

For the first time to go from close drive ratio to 1-to-1, Try to go up the drive ratio of the rear tire according to get used to.
Drive ratio of the front and rear tire is useless too large.
If the drive ratio of about you, but 140 to 150 percent will be able to drift in a position such as the vehicle of drift machine.
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