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What is Ketsukaki?

photo credit: D1 GRAND PRIX SERIES Rd.1 TOKYO DRIFT via photopin (license)

Drift, but car is also the first time was a one-to-one drive ratio method is the one that was getting a lot recently is called "Ketsukaki".

Normal, 4WD of radio control car has a drive ratio of the front and rear tires on a one-to-one (although the racing mosquitoes are changing the drive ratio, we are in the final one-to-one with the tire diameter difference).

It says that the rear tire to rotate a lot more of (ketsu = ass) scratching the road surface (kaki).
By changing the drive ratio of the front and rear tires,
Towards the rear tire than the front tire it will have to be many rotation.

Why to Ketsukaki

Drift machine of the actual vehicle is rear-wheel drive.
But RC drift car is so 4WD, I was a different movement and drift a sense of the actual vehicle. Simply put, to not rely on the counter-steering was feeling you are skidding.

Therefore by the rotation speed of the rear tire is set greater than the front tires, we made it possible to reproduce the behavior, such as vehicle drift machine.

Features of Ketsukaki is that it has become possible to counter the drift of traveling while keeping the counter-steering.
It expired clearly and handle from the appearance, riding through the corner while relying on counter-steering, figure as possible running while drift in a straight line is not cool in the vehicle itself.
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