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Trying to master a figure-of-eight

photo credit: D1 GRAND PRIX SERIES Rd.1 TOKYO DRIFT via photopin (license)

Next Once you have mastered the technique to draw a circle Let's practice the character running of the 8.

Empty cans the release two to three meters in Place two before that.
And let's drift in the ellipse so as to connect the two empty cans (oval).
Is not a steady circular not draw the has remained throttle control to remain constant oval.
Please remember whether the machine opens the throttle When you come (or decrease) in any position from empty cans.
Remains of drift state to clean the throttle control is matching come, it will be draw the oval.

The next oval is shaped practice of 8.

"To drift while changing the radius in the counter-clockwise, to the right around the drift to soon stop the machine," last performed in practice to draw a circle and then to be performed over two empty cans.
It should become a figure eight of repeating the left-handed-clockwise in each of the empty cans.
Familiar with empty cans barely Kitara Let's practice as yet it is high speed drift.
Then let's practice to be able to drift continues to shape - oval oval to 8.
If me up to this point you should have become a significant drift advanced users.

Let's look forward to the radio-controlled drifting fun so good even slowly little by little!
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